Monday, September 27, 2010

Welcome to Getting Buy on Less!

My New Year resolution in 2010 was to never pay full price for anything, if I could help it. So far, I think I've done pretty well! I regularly save over 50% at the grocery store, and well over 75% playing the "Drugstore Game."  I've put lots of time into researching the drugstore and couponing methods of saving, and now it's time for me to share what I've learned.

So many friends have asked me how to get started with couponing and such. I'm no expert! But I promised a blog to help them. I started a rather eclectic blog in January 2010, but I've decided to dedicate this new blog just for helping you to save money and get some free stuff. I will use loads of links to the "expert" sites, tips that I glean from the dozens of bloggers that I follow, and some personal shopping highlights to give you inspiration and ideas. Yes you can get everyday household items and food for 50-100% off! Get out of debt, and if you already are out of debt, save for college, retirement, etc., treat yourself (with coupons, of course) now and then to dinner or a show or even a massage.

Are you ready to start saving? I'm going to give you your first assignment: get a new email address. I keep my main email clean by using a separate free email account for all things shopping related. I am using Gmail. I use my Outlook for personal emails, business stuff, banking, etc., but for club cards, blog newsletters, manufacturer newsletters and such I go online to Gmail. Many companies require an email address before they let you print their coupons, so you may be getting a bunch of email. I would also like to encourage you to use Google Reader. One username and password is all you need for Gmail and Reader, and any other Google apps you might like to use, such as Youtube. The reason I suggest you get Reader, is that instead of visiting multiple websites, scrolling through Facebook and Twitter feeds and emails, you can just subscribe to the RSS feeds of the bloggers and websites you like view them all in one place, without any ads and clutter. Of course, if you are partial to Yahoo or any other free email and reader site, feel free. I get no compensation from Google, I'm just a satisfied user.

Now look at the blog list to the right. Click some links. Check them out. These gals know their stuff! I follow each of their RSS feeds in Reader.

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